воскресенье, 14 марта 2021 г.

Звіт про проведення Тижня англійської мови у КЗ «Удянський ліцей» ім.Угловського М.М. вчителя англійської мови Касян О.В.


      Із метою популяризації вивчення англійської мови, розширення і поглиблення лінгвістичних знань, розвитку комунікативних умінь і навичок, естетичного виховання, духовного багатства учнів, у період із 08  по 12 лютого  2021 року у ліцеї був проведений Тиждень англійської мови . В рамках тижня було проведено багато різноманітних заходів, які удосконалювали знання, уміння та навички, отримані на уроках англійської мови, розширювали світогляд та ерудицію учнів; розвивали їх творчі здібності, самостійність, естетичні смаки; виховували любов й шанування людей свого рідного краю і країни, мова якої вивчається, а також формували вміння концентрувати увагу, логічно викладати думки, заохочувати учнів до роботи над собою; виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови. Протягом тижня були проведені такі заходи:



тижня  англійської  мови


Дата проведення

Виховний захід




Відкриття тижня. Ознайомлення

з планом проведення.

Брейн-ринг «Кращі знавці англійської мови»


Вчитель англійської мови


Змагання « Забави з літерами»






Вчитель англійської мови


Вікторина:«Подорож до Великобританії»

(перегляд відеофільмів)


1 11

Вчитель англійської мови


       Гра «Sea Wind»


Вчитель англійської мови


Конкурс кросвордів,валентинок до дня Святого Валентина.

Підведення підсумків тижня. Нагородження переможців

2 – 11

Вчитель англійської мови




































вторник, 28 апреля 2020 г.

Семестрові контрольні роботи за 2-й семестр для 3-11 класів під час карантину

3 Клас

Контрольна 1 Контроль аудіювання
Listening comprehension (3-4 forms)
 Прослухай оповідання “LIZ AND SAMMY” і виконай  завдання.


    Liz has got a little grey kitten. Her name is Sammy. Sammy is a very nice and funny and Liz loves her kitten very much.
    Liz has got many toys: dolls, balls, monkeys, elephants, crocodiles, tigers, cats and dogs. Sammy likes to play with the toys. She likes to play hide-and-seek, too.
    One day Liz comes home, but she doesn’t see Sammy. Sammy is not near the table, she is not on the chair, she is not in the box. Sammy is under the sofa. She wants to play hide-and-seek with Liz.
    It’s fun to play hide-and-seek but Luz doesn’t want to play this game. She gives Sammy a little yellow ball to play with. It’s fun to play the ball, too.

    І. Відміть правильну відповідь.
       1. Liz has got …
           a) a puppy
           b) a kitten
           c) a cat
       2. Sammy is …
           a) white
           b) black and white
           c) grey
       3. Liz has got many …
           a) toys
           b) boxes
           c) friends
       4. Sammy likes to play …
           a) leap-frog
           b) tag
           c) hide-and-seek
       5. One day Liz comes home, but she doesn’t see …
           a) her ball
           b) Sammy
           c) her doll
       6. Sammy is …
           a) under the sofa
           b) in the box
           c) near the table
       7. Liz doesn’t want to play …
           a) with a ball
           b) hide-and-seek
           c) hopscotch
       8. She gives Sammy …
           a) a ball
           b) a doll
           c) a monkey
    II. Відміть твердження, які відповідають змісту оповідання, знаком ”+”, які не відповідають змісту оповідання, знаком “ - ”.
1.     Liz has got a little black kitten.
2.     Sammy is very nice and funny.
3.     Liz loves Sammy very much.
4.     Liz hasn’t got many toys.
5.     Sammy doesn’t like to play with the toys.
6.     Sammy likes to play hide-and-seek.
7.     One day Liz comes home, but she doesn’t see Sammy.
8.     Sammy is in the box.
9.     Sammy is under the sofa.
10. She gives Sammy a ball to play with.
    III. Знайди правильний варіант закінчення наступних речень.
       1. Liz has got a little …                                                toys.
       2. Her name is …                                                          the box.
       3. Sammy is very nice and …                                       Sammy.
       4. Liz has got many …                                                  hide-and-seek.
5. Sammy likes to play …                                             ball.
6. One day Liz comes home, but she doesn’t see …    funny.
7. Sammy is not near the table, she is not on the
    chair, she is not in …                                                 Liz.
8. Sammy is under …                                                    grey kitten.
9. She wants to play hide-and-seek with …                  a little yellow ball.
10. Liz doesn’t want …                                                 the sofa.
11. She gives Sammy …                                               her kitten.
12. It’s fun to play with …                                            to play hide-and-seek.

Контрольна 2  Контроль читання
Reading (3-4 form)

I variant. Прочитай оповідання і виконай завдання.

    My name is Mike. I am from Great Britain. I am a pupil. I am ten. I have got a friend. His name is Nick. Nick has got a family. He has got a mother, a father, a sister and a brother.
    His mother is a doctor. Her name is Kate. She loves her family.
    His father is an engineer. His name is Bill. He likes to play with his sons and his daughter. He loves his family.
    Nick is a pupil. He likes to play with his computer. He wants to be an engineer.
    His brother Tom is a pupil. He doesn’t want to an engineer. Tom wants to be a driver.
    His sister Pam is not a pupil. She likes to play with her brothers.
    Nick, Tom and Pam have got a cat. Her name is Sally. Sally likes to play with Pam but she doesn’t like to play with Tom and Nick.
    I like Nick and his family.

    І. Відміть правильну відповідь.
       1. Mike is from
          a) Africa
          b) Great Britain
          c) America
       2. He is …
          a) ten
          b) seven
          c) nine
       3. Nick is …
          a) his brother
          b) his friend
          c) his uncle
       4. Nick has got …
          a) a mother, a father and a brother
          b) a mother, a father and a sister
          c) a mother, a father, a sister and a brother
       5. His mother is …
          a) a doctor
          b)a teacher
          c) an engineer
       6. His father is …
          a) a driver
          b) an engineer
          c) a pilot
       7. Nick likes to play …
          a) with his dog
          b) with his computer
          c) with his toys
       8. Nick wants to be …
          a) a pilot
          b) a doctor
          c) an engineer
       9. Tom wants to be …
          a) a driver
          b) an engineer
          c) a worker
      10. Sally is …
          a) a dog
          b) a cat
          c) a kitten
    II. Відміть твердження, які відповідають змісту оповідання, знаком “+”,    не відповідають змісту оповідання, знаком “-”.
1.     Mike is from America.
2.     He is ten.
3.     Nick is his friend.
4.     Nick has got a mother, a father and a grandmother.
5.     His mother is a teacher.
6.     Her name is Kate.
7.     His father is a driver.
8.     His name is Bill.
9.     He likes to play with his sons and his daughter.
10.  Nick likes to play with his dog.
11.  He wants to be a pilot.
12.  Tom wants to be driver.
13.  Pam is a pupil.
14.  She likes to play with her brothers.
15.  Nick, Tom and Pam have got a cat.
16.  Sally likes to play with Pam.
      III. Знайди відповіді на запитання.
           1. Where is Mike from?                               Yes, he is.
           2. Who is Nick?                                            She is a doctor.
           3. Has Nick got a sister and a brother?         No, they haven’t.
           4. What is his mother?                                  He wants to be an engineer.
           5. What is his father?                                    No, she doesn’t.
           6. Is Nick a pupil?                                         He likes to play with his
           7. What does he want to be?                         Nick is his friend.
           8. What does he like to do?                           No, she isn’t.
           9. Is Pam a pupil?                                          He is from Great Britain.
          10. What does she like to do?                        Yes, he has.
          11. Have they got a dog?                                He is an engineer.
          12. Does sally like to play with Nick             She likes to play with her
                and Tom?                                                  brothers.

4 Клас
 Контрольна робота 1  Контроль аудіювання.

  Прослухай оповідання JIMі виконай завдання.


    Jim is a little green crocodile. He is very nice, but he hasn’t got friends.
    Hares don’t like crocodiles. They see Jim and run away. The hares can run very well, but Jim can’t run. He doesn’t want to be a crocodile. He wants to be a hare.
    Frogs don’t like crocodiles. They see Jim and jump away. The frogs can jump very well, but Jim can’t jump. He doesn’t want to be a crocodile. He wants to be a frog.
    Birds don’t like crocodiles. They see Jim and fly away. The birds can fly very well, but Jim can’t fly. He wants to be a bird.
    Now Jim has got a friend. It’s his little brother Dan. Jim and Dan like to play games and to swim. Jim can swim very well and his brother can swim very well, too. Now Jim doesn’t want to be a hare. He doesn’t want to be a frog. And he doesn’t want to be a bird. He wants to be a crocodile.

    І. Вдміть твердження, які відповідають змісту оповідання, знаком “+”, які не відповідають змісту, знаком “ - ”.
       1. Jim is a little green crocodile.
       2. He is very nice.
       3. He has got many friends.
       4. Hares, frogs and birds like crocodiles.
       5. Jim can’t fly.
       6. Jim can run and jump.
       7. Jim wants to be a bird.
       8. He has got a friend now.
       9. His friend is his little sister.
      10. Jim and Dan like to swim and to play.
      11. Dan can’t swim very well.
      12. Jim wants to be a crocodile now.
    II. Знайди правильний варіант закінчення наступних речень.
       1. Jim is a little green …                              a bird.
       2. He is nice but …                                       brother Dan.
       3. Hares, frogs and birds don’t like              fly.
       4. Jim can’t run, jump and …                       to be a crocodile.
       5. He can …                                                  he hasn’t got friends.
       6. Jim wants to be a hare, a frog or …          crocodile.
       7. Now he has got …                                     to play.
       8. It’s his little …                                          a friend.
       9. They like to swim and …                          crocodiles.
      10. Now Jim wants …                                    swim.
    III. Відміть правильну відповідь.
1.     Jim hasn’t got friends because …
a)     he isn’t very nice
b)    he doesn’t want to have friends
c)     hares, frogs and birds don’t like crocodiles
d)    he can’t run, jump and fly
2.     Jim wants to be a hare, a frog or a bird because …
a)     he can run, jump and fly
b)    he can’t run, jump and fly
c)     he doesn’t like crocodiles
d)    hares, frogs and birds are his friends
3.     Jim wants to be a crocodile now because …
a)     he has got a friend
b)    he can run
c)     hares, frogs and birds like crocodiles
d)    he doesn’t like hares, frogs and birds

Контрольна робота 2 Контроль читання.
Reading (3-4 form)

 Прочитай оповідання і виконай завдання.

    My name is Mike. I am from Great Britain. I am a pupil. I am ten. I have got a friend. His name is Nick. Nick has got a family. He has got a mother, a father, a sister and a brother.
    His mother is a doctor. Her name is Kate. She loves her family.
    His father is an engineer. His name is Bill. He likes to play with his sons and his daughter. He loves his family.
    Nick is a pupil. He likes to play with his computer. He wants to be an engineer.
    His brother Tom is a pupil. He doesn’t want to an engineer. Tom wants to be a driver.
    His sister Pam is not a pupil. She likes to play with her brothers.
    Nick, Tom and Pam have got a cat. Her name is Sally. Sally likes to play with Pam but she doesn’t like to play with Tom and Nick.
    I like Nick and his family.

    І. Відміть правильну відповідь.
       1. Mike is from
          a) Africa
          b) Great Britain
          c) America
       2. He is …
          a) ten
          b) seven
          c) nine
       3. Nick is …
          a) his brother
          b) his friend
          c) his uncle
       4. Nick has got …
          a) a mother, a father and a brother
          b) a mother, a father and a sister
          c) a mother, a father, a sister and a brother
       5. His mother is …
          a) a doctor
          b)a teacher
          c) an engineer
       6. His father is …
          a) a driver
          b) an engineer
          c) a pilot
       7. Nick likes to play …
          a) with his dog
          b) with his computer
          c) with his toys
       8. Nick wants to be …
          a) a pilot
          b) a doctor
          c) an engineer
       9. Tom wants to be …
          a) a driver
          b) an engineer
          c) a worker
      10. Sally is …
          a) a dog
          b) a cat
          c) a kitten
    II. Відміть твердження, які відповідають змісту оповідання, знаком “+”,    не відповідають змісту оповідання, знаком “-”.
1.     Mike is from America.
2.     He is ten.
3.     Nick is his friend.
4.     Nick has got a mother, a father and a grandmother.
5.     His mother is a teacher.
6.     Her name is Kate.
7.     His father is a driver.
8.     His name is Bill.
9.     He likes to play with his sons and his daughter.
10.  Nick likes to play with his dog.
11.  He wants to be a pilot.
12.  Tom wants to be driver.
13.  Pam is a pupil.
14.  She likes to play with her brothers.
15.  Nick, Tom and Pam have got a cat.
16.  Sally likes to play with Pam.
      III. Знайди відповіді на запитання.
           1. Where is Mike from?                               Yes, he is.
           2. Who is Nick?                                            She is a doctor.
           3. Has Nick got a sister and a brother?         No, they haven’t.
           4. What is his mother?                                  He wants to be an engineer.
           5. What is his father?                                    No, she doesn’t.
           6. Is Nick a pupil?                                         He likes to play with his
           7. What does he want to be?                         Nick is his friend.
           8. What does he like to do?                           No, she isn’t.
           9. Is Pam a pupil?                                          He is from Great Britain.
          10. What does she like to do?                        Yes, he has.
          11. Have they got a dog?                                He is an engineer.
          12. Does sally like to play with Nick             She likes to play with her
                and Tom?                                                  brothers.

 5 Клас

Контрольна робота 1          Контроль читання
 За кожне правильно виконане завдання -3 бали
The control-reading for the 5th form pupils  the second term(Контроль читання)
I.                  Read the text and do the tasks.
Прочитай текст, переклади  і зроби завдання до нього:
My friend.
 My best friend's name is Susan. She is twelve years old. We live in the neighbouring houses and play in the same yard. We are classmates. So we can see each other every day, Susan is a slim and pretty girl. She is not very tall. She has got long dark curly hair, blue eyes and a straight nose. Susan is kind and careful. She is always ready to help me if I need it. She is very good at Maths, so we often do our homework in Maths together. Susan is always honest with her parents, teachers and friends. She loves animals. There is a cat in her house and Susan takes care of him. We spend a lot of time together. We go to school and come back home together; we go to the cinema at the weekend together, too. In the evening, we often phone each other. I am happy that I have got such a nice friend as Susan.
II.               1. Fill in the gaps. Заповни пропуски використовуючи текст.
           a) We live in the________________houses.
 b) We____________ in the same yard.
c) Susan is ready_______________me if I need it.
d) She is____________with parents, teachers and friends.
e) She____________care of her cat.
 f) We go to the________________at the weekend.
          g) We phone each other in the___________________
 ІІІ Correct the sentencesВиправ речення за прочитаним текстом.
 1. Susan is ten years old.
2. She has got short fair hair.
 3. Susan is good at Biology.
4. She has got a parrot as a pet.
5. The girls never go to school together.
 6. At the weekend the girls go to the swimming pool together.

  ІV.Read the questions and find the answers in the text. Прочитай текст і знайди відповіді по тексту:
 Canada is an English-speaking country in the north of the North American continent, This big country is washed by three oceans: the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Arctic. Canada is a country of lakes and forests. The maple leaf on the flag of Canada shows how Important this tree is for Canadians. The climate of the country is rather cold, winter lasts from four to five months in Canada. There are two official languages in Canada, English and French.

1) Where is Canada?(Де знаходиться Канада?)
 a) in the north                     b) in the south            c) in the east
2)  How many oceans are there around Canada? (Скільки океанів навколо неї?)
a) 2                                  b) 3                          c) 4
3)  Canada is the country of...Канада –Країна…
 a) mountains and rivers    b) deserts and hills   c) forests and lakes
4)  What can you see on the Canadian flag? Що ти бачиш на Канадському флазі?
a) an apple-tree                 b) a maple leaf          c) a polar bear
 5) How long does winter last in Canada? Скільки продовжується зима ?
a) 2 months                         b) half a year              c) about 5 months
6) How many official languages has it got? Скільки офіційних мов у Канаді?
a) 1                                        b) 2                               c) 3


Контрольна робота 2     Контроль письма
За кожне правильно виконане завдання 2,4 бали
The control-writing for the 5th form pupils 
the second term.
1.     Find opposites( переклади і найдіть протилежні по значенню слова)

2.     Make up sentences using  have to.(повинен)Утвори  речення  використуючи have to.(повинен)
наприклад I have to make a bed(я повинен застиляти  ліжко)
1. Make a bed
 2.Wash up after breakfast
3. Clean your room
4.Buy bread and milk
5.Walk with your dog
3. Complete the sentences with shall/ will (вставити допоміжні слова shall/ will (див.стор 227 підр.)
What _______ you buy tomorrow in the shop? I ______ buy a box of sweets. _______ you invite Bill to your birthday party? Yes, I ________ Nina _______ not come to school tomorrow. She is ill. We _______ not go to London, we _______ go to Kyiv.

4.Make up sentences using The Past Simple tense (утворіть речення у минулому  простому часі.(див.стор.126  підр.)
She / wear / a new dress.
She / speak / with her friend.
 She / go / to the shop.
 5.Write down a letter on one of the topics to your American friend.
(Напиши лист американському другу на одну з тем  за планом)
1 My funniest school day. Мій найкращий день у школі.
Use a plan: classes you had today; what you did during classes (do sums, read texts, wrote exercises, translated texts, used the computer);
what you did during breaks (called your friends, jumped, ran along corridors, played jokes, played football);
what marks you have got, after classes you went….
2How you learn English.Як ти вчиш англійську мову.
 Use a plan: you learn English every day (difficult, interesting); you read tests, write exercises, learn words; you try to see video films, learn poems by heart, you try to speak English, you try to write letters in English.


Контрольна  робота  3
Контроль Говоріння
The control-speaking for the 5th form pupils
 the second term.
І. Choose any of the following topics and speak about it.
Вибери одну з тем і вивчи (10 речень)
1.Chrsstmas(стор.112 підр.)Різдво
2 Об єднане Королівство Великобританії(стор.195)


Контрольна робота  4
 Аудирование (прочитайте текст нижче,або послухайте ,як хтось з батьків прочитає вам його)

The control-audition for the 5th form pupils  the ІІ term
                                    A dangerous pool
      Jimmy lived in the country and he loved to play in a small river near the house. But then his father got a job in a big city, and Jimmy went to live there with his family.         Their new house had a big garden, but the garden was very small. Jimmy wasn’t very happy. ―Is there a river near there?‖ he asked his mother on the first morning. His mother answered, ―No, there is not, but there’s a beautiful park near here, Jimmy, and there’s a pool in it. We’ll go there this afternoon.‖ Jimmy was happy.         After lunch, Jimmy and his mother went to the park. Jimmy wanted to come near the pool, but there was a warning in front of it. His mother read it to him. ―This pool is dangerous. 157 people fell into it.‖ Jimmy looked into the pool and then said, ―I can’t see them.‖ 

 Нове слово з тексту :warning -  попередження

I. Вибери правильну відповідь і постав  + a6o
1)  Jimmy and his parents lived in the country,
2)  There was a forest near their house.
 3)  Jimmy's father got a new job in a big city.
4)  Their new house had a big garden.
5)  There was a small river in the park.
6)  Jimmy and his mother went to the park after lunch.
7)  Jimmy looked into the pool and saw 157 people there.

ІІ.Вибери правильну відповідь на запитання
1) Where did jimmy live?
 a) In a small town-             b) In the country.        c) In a big city.
2)  Where did Jimmy like to play?
 a) in the forest.                  b) in the yard      c) in the small river.
 3)  What did Jimmy's father get?
 a) A new job.                   b) A new shop.        c) A new car.
 4)  What was there near Jimmy's new house?
a) A river.                         b) A forest.               c) A park.
 5) Who took Jimmy to the park?
 a) His father.                     b) His mother.           c) His granny
 6) What did they see near the pool?
a) A warning.                   b) A boat.                 c) A crocodile.
7) How many people did Jimmy see in the pool?
a) 157.                              b)7.                          c)None.

ІІІ. IIocтав речення по порядку, щоб отримати розповідь.
 A. There was a pool in the park.
 B. Jimmy looked into the pool and said, "I can't see any people there".
 C. Jimmy liked to live in the country.
 D. Jimmy went to the beautiful park with his mother.
 E. But his father got a new job in a big city.
F. Jimmy's mother read a warning:" 157 people fell into the pool".
 G. Now Jimmy lived in a new house with a small garden.

6 клас

Контрольна робота 1    Контроль читання   6 КЛАС ____________________________________________________________
READING COMPREHENSION TEST(прочитати текст,перекласти усно і зробити до нього завдання)

 The boys now returned to their tent. They lay down on the grass and talked about bears and alligators. As Paul was a young naturalist he knew a lot of interesting things about alligators. Here is what he told his brother about them.

 He said that they were found in the rivers of Africa, in South and North America and in the West of India. There were a lot of alligators in the Ganges and other Indian rivers.

An alligator itself is long but his legs are very short. Alligators cannot turn round quickly, and it is easy to hunt them on land. One must only keep away from the alligator’s big teeth and strong tail. He can even kill a man with it.

Alligators lay eggs as big as those of geese and put them in the sand where they are warmed by the heat of the sun. The number of eggs is often nearly two hundred.

“Is it true that old father alligators eat their own young ones?” asked Paul’s brother.

“Yes, it is true. I saw it myself. The first concern of the mother is to get young alligators to the water where she can hide them better from their father but still many of the young are eaten by old alligators.

 “When the young ones grow up they run away from their fathers as they are quicker in their movements. Small alligators often ride on the backs of their fathers. They know that the fathers cannot do anything with them in that situation.”

 “They can eat anything that comes in their way,” added Paul, “but fish is their favourite food. They usually eat very slowly. Alligators don’t need mush food. They sleep during the winter without any food.”

Завдання до тексту:

I. Fill in letters.встав пропущені літери у словах з тексту

1) wa…m    2) qui…kly;    3) favo…rite

4) the…r    5) he…t    6) mov…ment

II. Fill in the suitable words.Встав пропущені слова по тексту

1. Paul knew a lot of …    things about alligators.

2 Alligators have short    …

3. An alligator can kill a man with its …     .

4. Alligator lay eggs in the …    .

5. Old alligators can …    their children.

6. The fathers can do nothing when small alligators are on their…

III. Answer the questions.Дай відповіді на запитання.

1. Where can we find alligators?

2. Where is it easy to catch alligators?

3. How many eggs do alligators usually lay?

4. Why can’t the fathers catch their children?

5. What is alligators’ favourite food?

6. What do they do in winter?

IV. Pretend you are a guide and your job is to tell something interesting about the place where you work. Write about it ( it can be in the jungle, at the seashore, on the bank of the river, etc.)


Контрольна  робота  2    6 КЛАС
Контроль аудіювання___________________________________________________
LISTENING COMPREHENSION TEST( Послухай текст і зроби завдання до нього)


Ancient manuscripts tell that the Greek commander Alexander Makedonsky used to have different fruits arid juices mixed with ice and snow for dessert.

In Russia for holidays people used to put a dish with frozen little pieces of sweet milk next to the dish with pancakes. In old times in some countries the recipes of cold dainties were kept in secret, for their divulgence the court cooks could be sentenced to death. Besides, it wasn’t easy to cook ice cream, especially in summer. Ice and snow were delivered to Alexander Makedonsky’s palace from the mountains. Later people began to sell ice. The ships with huge blocks of ice would hurry to the shores of the hot countries. That lasted till the first ice-making machines appeared. They were called refrigerators. That happened about one hundred years ago. Now ice cream is sold everywhere and of any kinds: fruit and berry, milk and chocolate. And it is available to everybody.

By the way, if you have a sweet tooth you can make ice cream yourself. It’s quite easy for those who can cook. The recipe is not a secret: eggs, sugar, milk, sour cream are mixed together, boiled for one or two minutes, cooled and frozen in the refrigerator. Add some nuts-or jam and enjoy this delicious product.
Завдання до тексту:

I. Say if the sentence is true false:(напиши правда чи неправда ,по тексту)
1.The Greek commander Alexander Makedonsky used to have fruits and juices mixed with ice and snow for dessert.
2.Russian people usually ate frozen pieces of sweet juice with pan- cakes for holidays.
3.In old times the cook who had told somebody the recipe of ice cream could be sentenced to death.
4.Ice and snow were made at the court of Makedonsky, there were no problems with it
5.People used to sell ice.
6.The ships with huge blocks of ice would bring ice from the shores of the hot countries.
II. Fill in the words( втавити пропущені слова по тексту і підкреслити  їх)
1.In old times in some countries … of cold dainties
were kept in secret.
2.Besides, it wasn’t easy to cook ice cream, especially in … .
3.The ships with huge blocks of ice would hurry to the shores of the … .
4.That lasted till the first … machines appeared.
5.Now ice cream is sold … and of any kinds.
6.By the way, if you have a sweet tooth
you can make … yourself.
III. Answer the questions відповісти на запитання по тексту.
1.Which of Greek commanders liked to have fruits and juices mixed with ice and snow for dessert?
2.Was there a kind of ice cream in Russia in old times?
3.What was it like?
4.Were the recipes of ice cream available to everybody?
5.Where did the cooks of Alexander Makedonsky get ice and snow for ice cream?
6.How were the blocks of ice carried to hot countries?
4. Write the recipe of the ice cream


Контрольна робота 3   6 КЛАС Контроль Говоріння_____________________________________________________


I. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.підберіть правильне слово

1. From Norman times, English monarchs have been … inWestminster Abbey.

a) crowned; b) lived; c) owned

2. The Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is one of London’s most important tourist ….

a) celebrations; b) attractions; c) visiting

3. The famous clock tower, known to everyone as a visiting card of London, is …..

a) the White Tower; b) Big Ben; c) the Bloody Tower

4. In the clock tower of St Paul’s Cathedral there’s the largest … in England, Great Paul, which is rung for 5 minutes every day at 1 p.m.

a) bell    ; b) tower; c) column

5. The City is the oldest part of London, it … a lot of sights of interest.

a) owns; b) visits; c) contains

6. Piccadilly Circus is in …, the richest part of London.

a) the East End; b) the City; c) the West End

7. The City is the … district of London.

a) financial; b) administrative ; c) working symbol

II. Answer the questions.Відповісти на запитання

What is the capital of the United Kingdom?

What kind of city is it?

What are the main districts of London?

What is Fleet Street famous for?

Who lives at 10 Downing Street?

III. Complete the sentences to make up a conversation between an Englishman and a tourist.Доповни речення,щоб утворився діалог між англічанином та туристом.

Englishman: Hello!

Tourist: Hi! I’m glad to see you!

E.: How long …

T.: Only three days. That’s why I’d like to … .

E.: Let me accompany you. I know …

T.: That’s nice. We’ll start …

E.: I fully agree with you. It’s important …

T.: Wow! It’s really wonderful! Isn’t it the building of the Houses of parliament? …

E.: Yes you are right. It is … .

IV. Describe the sights of interest in London using the following words and word-combinations.Опиши знамениті місця Лондона

the heart of London’s West End; wide streets with beautiful houses; many parks, squares, gardens; the best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs; one of the busiest streets; the geographical centre of London; named in its memory; victory at the battle; the column in the middle; the Tower of London, fortress, museum.


 Контрольна робота 4
6 КЛАС _Контроль письма____________________________________________________

I. Match the word and its translation .підбери переклад
1.symbol                 a) стюардеса
2.country                b) королева
3.anthem                 с) символ
4.flight attendant     d) країна
5.Europe                e) імн
6.Queen                  f) Европа

II. Choose the right variant .вибери правильний варіант
1.The new supermarket ( is built/ was built) every day.
2.We (are invited/ will be invited) to the party next week.
3.By the time my brother came I ( had cleaned/ have cleaned) the flat.
4.I thought you ( were/ are) at school.
5.When the weather (is / will be) fine, we’ll go to the forest.
6.Kyiv (is situated/ was situated) on the Dnieper.

III. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.Встав прийменники to,by,at
1.I go(1) … home after school.
2.Our bus arrives(2 )… 3.30.
3.Let’s go(3) … the river and swim.
4(4).… weekend we are going to go (5)… the village.
5.I have 5 or six lessons (6)… school.
6.You can cut bread(7) … a knife.

IV. Put 4 types of questions to the given sentences.Постав запитання до речень за допомогою питальних слів
1.Englishmen like to drink tea five times a day.
2.This teacher taught us Mathematics last year.
3.My family has already visited the Crim

 7 клас

Контролна 1
7 КЛАС _Контроль аудіювання___________________________________________________
LISTENING COMPREHENSION TEST прослухати текст ,перекласти і зробити до нього завдання.

Far to the East there lived in old days an Arab who had three sons, whom he dearly loved. He had seventeen beautiful horses whom he loved.

One day the old man became very ill. Feeling that the end was near, he called his sons to give one – half of his horses, to the second son – one third, and to the youngest – one-ninth.

The sons met to divide the horses but they didn’t know how to divide them.

“How can I take one half of seventeen horses?” said the eldest son. “1 can’t divide a living horse in two. “And how can I,” asked the second, “take one third of seventeen horses? But this is what my father wanted me to do”.

“I also want to do what my father wanted us to. But what is one ninth of seventeen horses?”

At that time an old man came riding on a horse. “May be he can tell us”, they said hopefully. They told their story to him.

The man began to think. Several minutes passed before he spoke. At last he said, “Take my horse and there will be eighteen”.

They did so. The elder son took one half of the horses. Then the second son called the horses, which he loved best, and the six animals came running to him. And the youngest son took two horses. The sons said lo the man: “You divided the horses wonderfully. Say what you want us to give you for it”.

“I shall take all the horses that are left”, said the old man and he rode away with his own horse.

Завдання до тексту:

Task 1. Say if the sentences are true or false (T/F)прочит.перекласти речення і напис. Правда( T),чи неправда( F)

1) An Arab had four sons whom he dearly loved.

2) He had seventeen beautiful horses whom he loved greatly.

3) One day he called his youngest son to give him the horses.

4) The three young Arabs couldn’t divide the horses because they didn’t know

Arithmetic well enough.

5) The old man agreed to help the young Arabs because he wanted to get a few
horses from them.

6) The old man came riding on a horse.

Task 2. Choose the right answer. Дай правильну відповідь

1. Who lived far from to the East?
a) robber; b) an Arab; c) an old man

2. What did he have?
a )Houses; b) Hamsters; c)horses

3. How many horses did he have?
a) Sixteen; b) Seventeen; c) seventy

4. Why did he call his children?
a) he was angry; b) he was ill; c) he was happy

5. Why did they meet?
а)to divide the horses; b) to divide money; c) to help their father

6. How many horses did he give to his elder son?
a)one half; b) one third; c) one ninth; d) the horses that are left

Task 3. Make up 4 questions to the text .(постав  4 запитання до тексту)
Task 4. Retell the text in 10-12 sentences using the reported speech.


Контрольна робота  2 
7 КЛАС ___Контроль читання_________________________________________________

READING COMPREHENSION TES Tпрочитати текст ,усно перекласти і виконати завдання до тексту.
A Fairy-Tale Princess

It was like a fairy-tale when the beautiful young girl married the Prince and become the Princess of Wales. Unlike a fairy tale, the happiness soon ended, but Diana is still The Peoples

Diana Frances Spencer was born on 1st July, 1961, in Norfolk, England. Her father was Earl Spencer. She had two older sisters and a younger brother. Her parents died when she was a young girl. As a child Diana studied in a boarding school in Kent. She completed her education in Switzerland. When she returned to England she worked as a nanny.

Diana married Prince Charles in July, 1981, at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. People all around the world watched her wedding on television. Diana and Charles had two sons, William and Harry. Diana was very popular. The British loved her for her kindness and beauty. They called her “The Peoples Princess” because she cared so much sick and poor people all over the world. She once said: “I see myself as a princess for the whole world, not the Princess of Wales.” reporters were always around her. She was their favourite person.

But Diana’s life was not as happy as it appeared. She and Charles had problems with their marriage. They finally divorced in August, 1996.

Dianna continued to travel round the world and helped those in need. But her life was short. She died in a car accident on 31st August, 1997, in Paris. She was only thirty-six.

Завдання до тексту :
I. Match the headings to the paragraphs (Підбери номер абзацу до заголовків)

1. Everyone Loved Her     Paragraph 1

2. Diana’s Early years _______________

3. The Divorcé ______________

4. The Tragic End _____________
The Wedding ______________

II. Answer the questions Відповісти на запитання  по  тексту.

1Where and when was Diana was born?

2Where did she studied?

3When and where did she marry Prince Charles?

4 How many children did they have?

5 Why was she popular?

6 Was her life as happy as it appeared?

III. Complete the table.  Доповни таблицю про Діану.Then, about Diana , as in the example.

Diana Frances Spencer was born on 1st July, 1961, in Norfolk, England….Name :
Diana Frances Spencer
Born on:     
……….in ………..at…………
Famous for:
Divorced in:
Died on:     

IV. Do you agree with statement that Diana was “The People’s Princess”? Write 5- 10 sentences about your attitude to Diana Spencer.


Контрольна робота 3       
Контроль письма____________________________________________________



I. Match the parts of the sentences.(Підбери частини речення)

1) What                       a) did your labour training practice take place?

2) When                      b) do you like best of all?

3) What holiday          c) is it necessary to know foreign languages?

4) Where                     d) countries does Ukraine border on?

5) Whom                     e) do you usually write letters to?

6) Why                         f) did you spend your summer holidays?

II. Infinitive. Use particle “to” where necessary.Встав де потрібно частку “to”(після модальних дієслів must can частка не ставиться)

1) I think you ought … apologize.

2)Make him … speak louder.

3) Help me … carry this bag.

4) My son asked me … let him … go to the theatre.

5) I must … go to the country.

6) It cannot … be done today.

III. Modals. Fill in can, may, must.(див. стор.206 підручника)

1) She … translate the article into Russian.

2) He … at the Institute at 9 o’clock.

3) We … get home before it gets dark.

4) He … come tonight but I am not sure.

5) … have another cup of tea?

6) I … easily carry this bag to the station.
IV. Imagine, you are writing a letter to your American pen-friend, tell him (her) about your favourite film or play.


Контрольна робота 4     7 КЛАС 
_Контроль говоріння___________________________________________________


I. Choose the correct answer.(Підбери правильну відповідь)

1.Can I send a parcel from here?

a) No. madam. You can do it over there. b) Yes, I can. C) Of course, drop it into the mail –box.

2. Is the man standing here your uncle?

a) Yes, he is standing there; b) Yes, haven’t you seen him before? c) Yes, he is your uncle.

3. Ukraine doesn’t border on Afghanistan, does it?

a) Yes, sometimes; b) Of course, not. c) No, it isn’t.

II. Fill in the blanks to complete the conversation.(Доповни діалог)

M.: Are you fond of football?

A.: …

M.: Whom do you support?

A.: ….

M.: So do I. By the way, what was the score of yesterday’s game?

A.: …

M. It was good, wasn’t it?

A.: …

M.: Well, I have to go now.

A.: …

III. Make up questions to interview our classmates.(Утвори питання для однокласників за допомогою уривків.)

1) What / interested in?

2) use / English / future ?

3) pen-friend/ abroad?

4) How often / write letters?

IV. Speak on such topics:напиши і вивчи 12 речень на одну з тем:

1.Sports and Games.

2.My School Life.

3.My favourite film.

8 клас

Контрольна робота 1    8 КЛАС
 Контроль аудіювання____________________________________________________________


LISTENING COMPREHENSION TEST(Прослухати текст  і зробити завдання до нього.)


In a museum in Holland one can see a pair of wooden shoes with funny little figures of animals drawn on them.

Those drawings helped to discover the great painter Rembrandt.

When he was still a
boy, Rembrandt worked to become a painter and travel in foreign countries.

One day at school, instead of listening to the teacher, he was drawing pigs and chickens on the wooden shoes of the pupil sitting next to him. Seeing this, the teacher got angry with him and said he would tell his mother.

In the afternoon Rembrandt was sitting on the top of a hill quite near his house, watching the traffic in the streets.

When he saw his teacher coming towards his father’s house, he was sure that his teacher had come to speak to his parents. His father called him and the young Rembrandt saw his teacher with one of the wooden shoes in his hand. All eyes were turned on him as he came near. To his great surprise, his mother spoke to him kindly, saying, “Do you really want to be a painter, my child?” The boy could not believe his ears, his
heart was full of happiness.

His teacher told him that he liked his excellent drawings and wanted him to study painting with a famous artist in the town.

Later Rembrandt painted wonderful pictures,

Завдання до тексту:

II Choose the correct answer .Вибрати правильну відповідь

1. What can one see in a museum in Holland?

A. One can see a pair of wooden shoes.

B. One can see a pair of wooden boots.

C. One can see a wooden shoe.

D. One can see a pair of leather shoes.

2. What is drawn on the shoes?

A. Little figures of animals.

B. Little figures of children.

C. Little figures of birds.

D. Little figures of fish.

3. What helped to discover the painter?

A. The animals. C. The shoes.

B. The drawings. D. The birds.

4. What was Rembrandt doing at the lesson one day?

A. He was listening to the teacher.

B. He was reading.

C. He was drawing pigs.

D. He was writing.

5. Where was Rembrandt sitting in the afternoon?

A. He was sitting in the park.

B. He was sitting on the roof of the house.

C. He was sitting in the tree.

D. He was sitting on the top of a hill.

6. What was he doing on the top of a hill?

A. He was watching people in the street.

B. He was watching the traffic in the street.

C. He was watching birds in the street.

D. He was reading.

III Fill in the gaps using the words from the box. One of the words is extra one
Afternoon, turned, ears, wooden, behaviour, painterЗаповни пропуски словами з тексту.

1.In a museum in Holland one can see a pair of … shoes.
2.In the … Rembrandt was sitting on the top of a hill.
3.All eyes were … on him as he came near.
4. boy could not believe his … .
5.He wanted to be a … .


Контрольна робота 2  
8 КЛАС Контроль читання____________________________________________________________


READING COMPREHENSION TEST Прочитати текст і зробити завдання до нього.


Some people think that as more and more people have televisions in their homes; fewer and fewer people will buy books and newspapers. Why read an article in the newspaper, when the TV news can bring you the information in a few minutes and with pictures? Why read a novel, when a play on television can tell you same story with colour, picture and action?

Why read the biographies of famous men and women, when an hour-long television programs can tell you all that you want to know?

Television has not killed reading, however. Today, newspapers and magazines are sold in very large numbers. And books of every kind are sold more than ever before. Books are still a cheap way to get information and entertainment. Although some books with hard covers are expensive, many books are published today as paperback books, which are reasonably cheap. A paperback novel, for example, is almost always cheaper than an evening at the cinema or theatre, and you can keep a book forever and read it many times.

Books at home are a wonderful source of knowledge and pleasure and some types of books should be in every home. Every home should have a good dictionary. Every home should have an atlas of the world, with large clear maps. It might be expensive, but a good encyclopedia is useful, too, because you can find information on any subject. In addition, it is useful to have on your bookshelves other non-fiction books such as history books, science textbooks, cookery books, books about medicine and health, etc. It is equally important to have some fiction on your shelves, too. Then you can relax with a good story, or from time to time you can take a book of poems off your shelves and read the thoughts and feelings of your favourite poets.

Завдання до тексту:

I Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right

1. …an article         a) a book that is used to study a school subject
…an atlas                  b) a publication that comes out weekly or monthly
…a biography         c) a book with maps of the world
…a novel                 d) usually a cheap book with a soft cover
…a textbook            e) a story about a real person
…a dictionary          f) a piece of writing in a newspaper
…a poem                 g) a book of word definitions
…a paperback          h) usually a short piece of writing expressing a deep

                                 feeling or thought

9. …a magazine         i) a story about people who are not real

II Choose the best answer according to the information in the passage

1.    Which is easier to get the news from?
а)a newspaper
б)the television

2.    Which is usually quicker?
а)to read a biography of a famous person
б)to watch a television programme about a famous person

3.    Which is usually cheaper?
А)a paperback
Б)an evening at the cinema

4.    Which is usually cheaper?
А)a paperback
Б)a hardcover book

5.    Which is it most important to have in your home?
А)non-fiction books, such as a dictionary and an encyclopedia
Б)fiction, such as novels, short stories and books of poems
a mixture of both good non-fiction and your favourite fiction.

III Which of the following are non-fiction and which are fiction? Put the words into the two columns

Atlas, novel, short story, textbook, play, dictionary, encyclopedia, poem.

IV Write a short review of the book you’ve read and liked very much. Be sure to mention the title of the book, say a few words about the author, describe the scene of the action, main characters and ideas.


Контрольна робота  3     8 КЛАС _______Контроль письма_____________________________________________________



I Find and correct mistakes

1 to brethe, 2 to poor, 3 kemicals, 4 poisones, 5 to consern

II Match the words and word-combinations. One of the words is extra one

1 ecological              a) much benefit

2 to take                   b) substances

3 environmental             c) protection

4 harmful                  d) problems

5 to demand             e) speed

6 to get                   f) one’s time and money

7 to waste              g) an apology

                                h) a breath

III Choose the correct verbs

1.    The results of these experiments … to be very interesting.

a) suppose; b) supposed; c) are supposed; d) is supposed

2.    A film about London … in room 5 now.

a) is shown; b) being shown; c) has been shown; d) is being shown

3.    She did not know that she … by him.

a) was being watched; b) is being watched; c) was watching; d) had been watched

4.    If I… free tomorrow I shall have a walk in the park.

a) will be; b) am; c) is being; d) would be

5.    The two towns… by a railway next year.

a) connected; b) are connected; c) will be connected; d) will have been connected

6.    The article … that’s why I asked him for help.

a) had not been translated; b) was not translated; c) has not been translated; d) was not being translated

7.    The report …by him yet.

a) is not prepared; b) was not prepared; c) has not been prepared; d) had not been prepared

IV Open the brackets. Put Gerund, Infinitive or Participle

1. After (get) (know) him better, I regretted (judge) him unfairly.

2. “A job worth (do) is worth (do) well.”

3. I should prefer (go) to the cinema rather than (sit) here (listen) to the radio.

4. Don’t stand there (do) nothing.

5. He tried (speak) German but found that he couldn’t. His attempts at (speak) Spanish were equally unsuccessful.

6. I tried (cook) eggs and bacon together, and found that this was a much quicker way of (prepare) a meal.

7. Surely you recollect (he, say) that he would agree to (I, borrow) his car.

8. You know I hate (disappoint) you, but much as I would like (go) out this evening, I have to finish (decorate) this room.

9. Megan used (think) that a library was a place where books were (buy) and (sell); now she knows that a library is a place for (lend) and (borrow) books.


Контрольна робота 4      8 КЛАС   Контроль говоріння____________________________________________________________



I Choose the correct answer

1 There are many environmental problems. What are they?

a) land pollution, radioactivity, acid rains

b) hardships and difficulties in life

c) problems of international communication

2 How can we solve environmental problems?

a) people should talk to each other more

b) people should control amount of pollution

d) people should take care of each other

3 Why do environmental problems appear?

a) because there are too many people on the planet

b) because biological balance is being upset

c) because our life became faster

4 What must we do in order to protect the environment?

a) we must eat only fresh food

b) we must have more domestic animals

c) we must use ozone-friendly products

II Answer the questions

1 What environmental problems demand world action nowadays?

2 What is ecology?

3 What is the environment?

4 How can human activities make the environment unhealthy?

5 What pollutes and poisons the air?

III Complete the following conversation

A: What city do you live in?

B: …

A: Is your city clean or polluted?

B: …

A: How many plants are there in your city?

B: …

A: What do you do to keep your city clean?

B: …

IV Speak about one of the following topics
Ukrainian Scientists
Environmental Protection in UkraineYour Attitude to Zoо

9 клас
Контрольна робота 1
9 КЛАС Контроль аудіювання ____________________________________________________________


LISTENING COMPREHENSION TEST прослухати текст і зробити завдання по тексту)


Jim Thorpe was perhaps the greatest athlete the United States has ever had.

James Francis Thorpe was born on May 28, 1888 in Oklahoma.

First he went to a public school for Indians near his home. In 1904 he entered the Carlisle Indian School. He did not have enough money to study full-time and had to interrupt his education several times as he had to earn his living.

The director of athletics at Carlisle was Glenn Warner, a famous athletic coach. Warner began to train Thorpe for football and track. Jim became the best American football player. He also competed in baseball, basketball, tennis and swimming.

In 1912 the Olympic Games were held in Stockholm. Never before in the history of the Modern Olympics had one man competed in both pentathlon and decathlon at one meeting of the Olympic Games. Thorpe did this and he won two gold medals.

According to the rules only amateur athletes can take part in the Olympic Games. One of the reporters discovered that Thorpe had earned 25 dollars a month playing baseball during two summer vacations some years before. He was not therefore an amateur athlete and he had to return his gold medals. The men who came second in the pentathlon and decathlon refused to take them saying they really belonged to Thorpe.

Thorpe decided to give up amateur athletics. He became a professional baseball and football player. He continued to play professional football and baseball until 1929.

Since 1929 Thorpe had odd jobs: he worked as a laborer in California, sometimes he played the part of an Indian in movies about the old West.

On March 28, 1953 Thorpe died in the town of Lomita, California, a poor lonely man not quite 65 years old.

Завдання до тексту:

I. Agree or disagree

1. Jim Thorpe was the greatest athlete the United Kingdom has ever had.

2. He was born on June 28, 1888 in Oklahoma.

3. He didn’t have enough money to study full-time.

4. He had to interrupt his education only once as he had to earn his living.

5. The director of athletics at Carlisle, who began to train Jim, was John Warner.

6. Jim Thorpe became the best American coach.

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. Jim went to a public school…

A for black people

B for Indians

C for poor people

2. Warner began to train Thorpe for…

A handball and track

B football and track

C football, track and volleyball

3. In 1912 the Olympic Games were held in…

A Sydney

B Strasbourg

C Stockholm

4. Thorpe competed at one meeting of the Olympic games in both pentathlon and decathlon and won…

A the gold medals

B the silver medal

C the silver medal and the gold one

5. Thorpe had earned 25 $ a month playing … during two summer vacations some years before he won his medals.

A football

B baseball

C basketball

6. Thorpe decided to give up amateur athletics because…

A he wanted to become a professional football player

B one of the reporters discovered that he hadn’t been an amateur athlete taking part in the Olympic Games

C he wanted to become a basketball instructor

III. Fill in the gaps

1. Jim Thorpe perhaps the greatest athlete the United States…

2. James Francis Thorpe was born on May 28, 1888 in…

3. The director of athletics at Carlisle was Glenn Warner…

4. In 1912 the Olympic Games were held in…

5. Thorpe decided to give up amateur athletics, he became a professional…

IV. Give facts proving that Jim Thorpe was one of the best athletes in the history of sport in the USA (10 sentences)


 Контрольна робота 2
9 КЛАС Контроль читання____________________________________________________________

READING COMPREHENSION  прочитати текст і виконати завдання до тексту.

THE TRIMMED LAMP (after O. Henry)

Lou and Nancy were friends. They came to New York to find work because there was not enough to eat at their homes. Nancy was nineteen. Lou was twenty. Both Nancy and Lou were very pretty. Lou found work in a laundry. She was an ironer. Nancy began to work as a sales-girl.

At the end of six months of their life in the big city, Lou met a young man named Dan. They soon became good friends. In fact they fell in love with each other. They went out together several times a week.

“Aren’t you cold, Nancy?” Lou asked her friend one evening. They were standing on the corner waiting for Dan. “I feel sorry for you. Why are you working in that old store for eight dollars a week? I made eighteen dollars last week! Of course, ironing is not so pleasant as selling gloves in a store, but it pays.
None of the ironers make less than ten dollars a week. I like my work.”

“And I like mine,” said Nancy, “even though I make only eight dollars a week. I like to work in a big store, and to be among beautiful things and nice people. One of our sales-girls married a steel maker from Pittsburg. He makes a lot of money! You may be sure I’ll catch a millionaire some day! And whom can you marry working in a laundry?”

“Why, I met Dan in the laundry,'” said Lou. “He came in to get his Sunday shirt and collars and saw me. I was ironing. Later he said he had noticed my arms first, how white and round they were. I tell you, some very rich men come to laundries. Of course if you want to starve and put on airs, do as you like!”

Just then Dan came. He was an electrician, making thirty dollars a week. It was clear he was in love with Lou, he looked at her with the sad eyes of Romeo.

“Nancy, I want to introduce to you my friend, Mr. Owens. Dan, shake hands with Miss Danforth,” said Lou.

“I’m very glad to meet you, Miss Danforth,” said Dan. “I’ve heard so much about you from Lou.”

“Thanks,” said Nancy, “I’ve heard from her about you, too.”

“I have tickets for a theatre,” said Dan. “Let’s all go.” The three of them started out to have a good time together.

Nancy had no gentlemen friends. Nobody waited for her after work. Some of the sales-girls joked that she was waiting to “catch a millionaire”. “I’ll make the biggest catch in the world, – or nothing at all!”
she used to say.

One day, two of the sales-girls who worked with Nancy invited her to have dinner together with them and their gentlemen friends. The dinner took place in a fashionable cafe.

One of the gentlemen friends had no hair on his head, – the other wore a diamond ring and liked neither the food nor the wine.

The next day the gentleman with the diamond ring appeared in the shop and asked Nancy to marry him. She said ‘no’. When he left, one of the girls said to Nancy: “What a terrible fool you are! That fellow is a millionaire – he is the son of Van Skittles himself! Are you mad, Nancy? What do you want? Do you want to be a Mormon and marry Rockefeller and the King of Spain at the same time?”

“I don’t want his money,” said Nancy “I don’t ‘ like him, that’s all! I want to marry a rich man, that’s true. But I also want to like him!”

Lou worked on in the laundry. Out of her eighteen dollars a week she paid six dollars for her room and board. The rest of the money went for clothes.

When the day’s work was over she met Dan who was always waiting for her outside the laundry.

Sometimes Dan did not like her clothes, they were too bright – he thought – and in bad taste. But she liked bright clothes, and when people in the streets looked at her, she liked that very much.

Dan and Lou always asked Nancy to come with them when they went out to have a good time.

One Saturday afternoon the two girls met, and Lou said: “Dan is always asking me to marry him. But why should I? I am independent. Now I can do what I like with the money I make. And if I marry Dan he will not allow me to work. Nancy, what are your plans for the future? Have you caught your millionaire yet?”

“Not yet,” said Nancy with a laugh. “I haven’t selected one yet…”

“You are joking, of course,” said Lou.

“Millionaires don’t notice working girls like us. Still I am sure that I’ll catch one before you do.”

Nancy worked on. She watched and studied the rich men and women who came to the store. She hoped some day to find the man she could marry.

So she kept her lamp trimmed and burning to receive her bridegroom when he should come.

One Thursday evening Nancy left the store and walked over to the laundry. Dan and Lou had invited her to go to a musical comedy with them.

Dan was just coming out of the laundry when she arrived. There was a strange nervous look on his face.

“I hoped to find out something about her. I thought they had heard from her,” he said. “Heard from whom? What are you talking about?” said Nancy. “Isn’t Lou there?” “I thought you knew everything,” said Dan. “She hasn’t been here or at the house where she lived since Monday. She lock all her things from there. She told one of the girls in the laundry that she was going to Europe.”

“Has anybody seen her anywhere?” asked Nancy. Dan looked at her. His gray eyes were like steel.

“They told me in the laundry,” he said, “that they saw her yesterday … in an automobile. With one of those millionaires that you and Lou were always talking about.”

For the first time in her life Nancy did not know what to say. Then she laid her hand on Dan’s arm and said:

“You have no right to say such a thing to me, Dan. Do you think that she has done it because of my jokes about millionaires? I am sorry for you, but I have nothing to do with it.”

“I’m sorry I said it,” answered Dan, “Don’t be angry with me!”

“I have tickets for a show to-night,” he said a moment later. “If you…”

Nancy saw how miserable he was and she felt sorry for him.

“I’ll come with you, Dan,” she said.

Three-months passed before Nancy saw Lou again.

One evening she was hurrying home from the store. Suddenly somebody called her name. She turned around and saw Lou who caught her in her arms.

Nancy noticed at once that Lou had become rich. She was very well dressed and had diamond rings on her fingers.

“You little fool,” cried Lou, “I see you are still working in that store. I see you haven’t caught a millionaire yet.”

And then Lou looked and saw that Nancy had something better than money, something that shone brighter than stars in her eyes, something that was redder than a rose in her cheeks. Happiness!

“Yes, I’m still in the store,” said Nancy, “but I am going to leave it next week. I’ve made my catch, the best catch in the world. I’m going to be married to Dan… to Dan! He is my Dan now.”

A policeman, going around the corner of the park saw two young women. One of them, with diamond rings on her fingers was crying like a child. The other, a simply dressed working girl, was trying to console her. The policeman passed on. He knew he could not help the one who was crying.

Завдання до тексту:

I Do you agree or not?+,-

1 Nancy and Lou came to New York to catch the bridegrooms.

2 The girls did not find any work in New York.

3 Lou found her happiness in New York

4 Nancy envied Lou.

5 When Van Skittles asked Nancy to marry him she agreed at once.

6 Lou was looking forward to marrying Dan.

7 Dan was nervous when he hadn’t found Lou.

8 Lou was happier than Nancy.

II Choose the correct answer according to the information in the text.

1 Lou and Nancy came to New York

a) for entertainment; b) to get acquainted with its sights; c) to find work; d) to buy all the necessary things.

2 Lou and Dan

a) got married on the second day; b) became good friends soon; c) were close relatives d) met in the theatre.

3 Nancy’s dream was

a) to return home; b) to change her boring work; c) to spend all her free time shopping; d) to catch a millionaire some day.

4 It was clear that Dan was in love with Lou because

a) he brought her flowers every day; b) he looked at her with the sad eyes of Romeo.

c) he asked her to marry him; d) he wanted to be with Lou every minute.

5 Nancy refused to marry the son of Van Skittles because

a) he wasn’t rich enough; b) she fall in love with the other man; c) he lived in a small provincial town; d) she didn’t like him.

6 When Nancy met Dan there was a strange nervous look on his face because

a) he had forgotten his wallet at home; b) his mother was seriously ill; c) he hadn’t been able to find out something about Lou; d) he had lost his job.

7 When Nancy saw Lou

a) she learned that Lou was very unhappy; b) she told her about her further marriage.

c) they went to a café; d) she invited her to her new place.

III Choose the right answer

1. Lou:

a) liked her work very much;

b) wanted to catch a millionaire;

c) decided to return home.

2. Dan:

a) wanted to marry Lou as she always told Nancy;

b) was a millionaire who liked spending his free time with poor girls;

c) wasn’t an honest man.

3. Nancy:

a) seemed a matter-of-fact sort of girl;

b) had something better than money, something that shone brighter than stars in her eyes;

c) was very unhappy.IV Ask Lou, Nancy, Dan any questions you would like (5 questions).

 Контрольна робота 3
9 КЛАС Контроль письма____________________________________________________________



I Open the brackets using the necessary form

1 I wish I (to know) Spanish.

2 I wish I (to read) more in future.

3 They wished they (to be) at yesterday’s party.

4 I wish I never (to suggest) this idea.

5 We wished we (not to see) this horrible scene again.

6 I wish it (be) warm all the year round.

7 I wish you (to go) skiing with me yesterday: I had such a good time.

II Paraphrase the given sentences using “wish”

1 It’s a pity you are ill.

2 He was sorry not to have had enough time to finish his test.

3 It’s a pity you didn’t send for us last night.

4 What a pity you don’t know German.

5 It’s a pity we can’t reach home before tea-time.

6 The student was sorry he hadn’t studied the material better.

III Choose the correct form

1. I … Dick since 1985.
hadn’t seen; b)didn’t seen; c) haven’t seen; d) never saw

2. I … a decision yet.
haven’t made; b)made; c) am making; d) will make

3. I … to the dentist the other day.
have gone; b) went     c) have been; d) was going

4. I … that you are wrong.
am feeling; b) feel; c) felt; d) have felt

5. Excuse me, but … for someone?
do you wait; b)have you waited; c) were you waiting; d) are you waiting

6. People … on the right in Britain.
have driven; b) are driving; c) had driven; d) drive

7. When I … Jill yesterday she was cleaning her teeth.
Phoned; b)had phoned; c) was phone; d) has phoned

8. By the time I got to the station, the train …
had left; b)was leaving; c) is leaving; d) left

9. I … terrible time last Saturday.
had had; b) had; c) has had; d) would have

10. At three o’clock this morning, Eleanor … .
studied; b)was studying; c) had studied; d) has been studying

11. Gene … dinner when his friend called.
has eaten; b) ate; c) was eating; d) would have eaten

12. I … two tickets for “The Marriage of Figaro”.
yet bought; b) bought just c) just buy; d) have just bought

IV Translate into English using “wish”

1 Шкода, що ви прийшли так пізно.

2 Якби я був вільний зараз.

3 Краще ви б відвідали цю виставку.

4 Вона шкодувала, що не розповіла нам цю історію.

5 Він пошкодував, що не прислухався до його поради.

Контрольна робота 4
9 КЛАС  Контроль говоріння_________________________________________________



I Tell about the most common dishes in Ukrainian cuisine.

II Complete the conversation with a waiter

W: You are being served, aren’t you?

V: …

W: The steak is just to your taste, isn’t it? You have ordered salad for two, haven’t you?

V: …

W: Do you need the wine list?

V: …

W: Will you have the strawberries with sugar?

V: …

W: Will you eat table d’hote or a la carte?

V: …

III Answer the following questions

1 What do you usually do when you fall ill?

2 What does the doctor do when you have flu?

4 What are the symptoms of flu?

5 Who operates on people?

6 When is one put on sick leave?

IV Suggested topics for conversation:

1 Traditional Ukrainian Cuisine

2 Health Service in Ukraine

3 Sport helps people prepare themselves for life

9 КЛАС ____________________________________________________________




I 1- , 2-, 3+, 4-, 5-, 6-

II 1B, 2B, 3C, 4A, 5B, 6B

III 1 has ever got, 2 Oklahoma, 3 a famous athletic coach, 4 Stockholm, 5 baseball, and football player

I 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 7+, 8-

II 1c, 2b, 3d, 4b, 5d, 6c, 7b

III 1a, 2a, 3b


I 1 knew, 2 read, 3 had been, 4 had suggested, 5 had not seen, 6 were, 7 had gone.

II 1 I wish you were not ill.

2 He wished he had had enough time to finish his test.

3 I wish you had sent for us last night.

4 I wish you knew German.

5 I wish we could reach home before tea-time.

6 The student wished he had studied the material better.

III 1c, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5d, 6d, 7a, 8a, 9b, 10b, 11c, 12d.

IV 1 I wish you came earlier.

2 I wish I were free now.

3 I wish you had visited that exhibition.

4 She wished she had not told us this story.

5 He wished he listened to his advice.

10,11 клас

 Контрольна  робота 1   

WRITING Контроль письма

Present Simple. Choose the correct variant.

 I not usually have lunch at home.
I usually have not lunch at home.
I doesn’t usually have lunch at home.
I usually have lunch at home.

 My friend don’t goes to the cinema a lot.
My friend not goes to the cinema a lot.
My friend goes to the cinema a lot.
My friend doesn’t goes to the cinema a lot.

Do his father drive a car very fast?
Is his father drive a car very fast?
Does his father drives a car very fast?
Does his father drive a car very fast?

Do the shops close at 8 o’clock in the evening?
Does the shops close at 8 o’clock in the evening?
Do the shops closes at 8 o’clock in the evening?
Are the shops close at 8 o’clock in the evening?

 You often play basketball?
Do you often play basketball?
Is you often play basketball?
Are you often play basketball?

 How you often play basketball?
How do you often play basketball?
How often do you play basketball?
How often you play basketball?

II.    Means of travelling. Fill in.

A) by B)on C) in D) out of E) off
1.How did you get to London? -… plane.
2.We can’t get any more people …, you’ll have to wait for the next bus.
3.It’s quicker to go … foot than to go … car there.
4.Excuse me, I have to get… at the next station.
5.Since I broke my leg I have to travel… bus because I can’t get… the car.
6.When your bus arrives, you get… it. If you want to leave it, you get… it.
7. I usually go back home … bus. It’s much cheaper then going … taxi.

8. Two men with guns got… the car and went into the shop.

III. Identify errors in the underlined parts of the sentences. There is only one error in each sentence. Find it and correct.

I.    He thinks she is beautiful but I don’t agree with her.

2.I advice, you check all your exam answers before you hand your paper in.

3.    I’d like knowing where you are.

4.    The light didn’t work because anyone
had taken the bulb.

5.    The tourist have asked a passer-by how far the post office was.

6.    A small boy often stands
outside the bicycle shop and gaze at the wonderful machines in the window.

7.Are you always go to bed without getting undressed?
8.Think, how wonderful that will being when you have tamed me!

9.    What will you be doing this time last year?

10.    He said them that he was going to give up smoking.

I1.    Ice cream was known five hundreds years ago.

12. Men have no most time to understand anything.

IV. Complete the sentences.
1.You’d _____ hurry up or else we’ll be late
а )Rather c) better
б) Should d) have to
2 I can hear a noise; I think _____ is outside.
а )Some c) somehow
б )Somebody d) somewhere
3 Jane doesn’t have _____ tonight.
а )many homeworks c) much homework
б )much homeworks d) many homework
4 Have you written _____ names?
А )Everybody c) everybodys’
Б )everybody’s d) everybodies’

5. Let me give you _____.

a) an advice c) some advice

b) the advices d) Some advices

6. I don’t like it here. Let’s go somewhere _____.

a) else c)more

b) again d) once

Контрольна робота 2
10 КЛАС Контроль говоріння



I. Choose only positive features of the character:

Arrogant, chatter-box, ambitious, witty, sharp-minded, ill-mannered, promiscuous, sophisticated, unrestrained, partial, dignified, sulky, patient, just, deceived, sincere, respectable, gentle

II. Describe:
a skillful worker(hardworking, attentive, capable)
a person who is successful in the career(clever, ambitious)
a person who says lie very often (dishonest)

III. Complete the conversation
Does your mother look younger for her age?
Do you take after your mother (father)?
Who of your classmates has regular feathers?
When do we say that a person looks healthy?
Is there anything peculiar about your friend appearance?

IV Give a personal identification (character sketch) about his or her appearance, age, likes, dislikes, temperament, disposition.
Контрольна робота 3



Somebody once asked Mark Twain whether he could remember the first money he ever earned.

“I remember quite well”, the famous writer answered. “It happened at school. Schoolboys in those days had very little respect for their teachers and even less for their desks. The boys used pens and pencils and even knives to draw stars and faces, or to write their names on their desks. At last, the school principal said; ‘The next time anybody does such thing, he will have to pay five dollars, or he will receive a beating in front of the whole school’.

Soon after that, I had to go to my father and ask him to give me five dollars. I was honest enough to explain that I could agree to receive a beating instead, but he said: ‘No, I can’t allow you to connect our name with such things. So I’ll pay the five dollars. But you must suffer for what you have done. I’ll give you the beating here, at home’.

So he beat me, and then gave me the five dollars to take to school. But I decided that the beating didn’t hurt so much, and another beating at school wouldn’t be worse. So I told them to give trie a beating in front of the whole school, and I kept the five dollars. And that was the first money I ever earned”.

   Завдання до тексту:

I. Put “+” next to the true sentences and “—” next to the false ones.
1.Mark Twain had to work to earn money when he was a schoolboy.
2.The pupils were punished for drawing and writing on then
3.The pupils had to pay for the desks they had spoilt.
4.The pupils had to pay money instead of getting a beating
in front of the school.
5.Mark Twain preferred being beaten to paying.
6.He was suffering hard from the beating he had got in front
of the school.
II. Answer the questions

1. What did the boys use their pens, pencils and knives for?

A) to make smth. for their friends

B) to play different games

C) to draw or to write on the desks

2. Why did the school principal invent such a strict punishment for student.

A) to make pupils to learn well

B) to stop writing and drawing on the desks

C) to make pupils to do their home task well

3. Why did the boy’s father decide to pay five dollars?

A) he couldn’t allow his son to be beaten in front of the whole school

B) he didn’t want his son to suffer

C) he wanted his son to buy some pens

4. How much money did they have to pay?

A) some dollars

B) five pounds

C) five dollars

5. How did the boy earn the money for the first time?

A) he let him beat

B) he sold food

C) he worked in an office

6. What did he do with the money that father gave him?

A) he spent them

B) he kept them for himself

C) he gave them to his father

III. Give the antonyms to the words







IV. Ask 6 questions to the text


 Контрольна робота 4

10 КЛАС      Контроль читання .Прочитати текст і зробити завдання до тексту.




    My father is eighty-six years old and in bed. His heart, that bloody motor, is equally old and will not certain jobs any more. It still floods his head with brainy light. But won’t let his legs carry the weight of his body around the house. Despite my metaphors, this muscle failure is not due to his old heart, he says, but to a potassium shortage. Sitting on one pillow, leaning on three, he offers last minute advice and makes a request.

“I would like to write a simple story just once more,” he says,” the kind de Maupassant wrote, or Chekhov, the kind you used to write. Just recognizable people and then write down what happened to them next.

I say, “Yes, why not? That’s possible.” I want to please him, though I don’t remember writing that way. I would like to try to tell such story, if he means the kind that begins: “There was a woman…” followed by plot, absolute line between two points which I’ve always despised. Not for literary reasons, but because it takes all hope away. Everyone, real or invented, deserves the open destiny of life.

Finally I thought of a story that had been happening for a couple of years right across the street. I wrote it down, then read it aloud. “Pa,” I said, “how about this? Do you mean something like this?”

Once in my time there was a woman and she had a son. They lived nicely, in a small apartment in Manhattan. This boy at about fifteen became a junkie, which is not unusual in our neighborhood.

In order to maintain her close friendship with him, she became a junkie too. She said it was part of the youth culture, with which she felt very much at home. After a while, for a number of reasons, the boy gave it all up and left the city and his mother in disgust. Hopeless and alone, she grieved. We all visited her.

     Завдання до тексту.

I. Put “+” next to the true sentences and “-” next to the false ones.

1. My father is an energetic 68-year-old man.

2. He wants his daughter to write a complex epic novel.

3. He likes simple stories with recognizable people.

4. I will write him a simple story.

5. The woman’s boy was 10 years old.

6. Her son left her wealthy and well cared for.

II. Circle the correct letter

1. My father spends his time in …

a) bed; b) church; c) the cafes; d) pain and sufferings

2. His heart is weak but has not reduced the follow of blood …

a) to his legs; b) to his strong arms and shoulders; c) to his head; d) to his liver

3. He thinks I write simple stories like …

a) Shultz and Dilbert; b) Bulgakov and Shevchenko; c) Chekhov or de Maupassant; d) Chekhov and Marquis de Sade

4. I was … to write a simple story for my father.

a) unwilling; b) eager; c) saddened; d) unable

5. The woman and her son lived in …

a) Sumy; b) Poland; c) Manhattan; d) Washington D. C.

6. The boy became a junkie, which was … where we lived.

a) common; b) uncommon; c) looked down upon; d) held in high esteem

III. Fill in the blanks

Once in my time there was a woman and she had a son. They lived 1_____, in a small apartment in Manhattan. This boy at about fifteen became a 2_____, which is not 3_____ in our neighborhood.

In order to 4_____ her close friendship with him, she became a junkie too. She said it was part of the 5_____culture, with which she felt very much at home. After a while, for a number of reasons, the boy gave it all up and left the city and his mother in 6_____. Hopeless and alone, she grieved. We all visited her.

1.nicely 2.unusual 3. youth

4. disgust 5. junkie 6. maintain

IV. Make up 5 questions of different types.